S01E05: Rowing Golf
18 rounds: 1 minute ON 1 minute OFF Based on golf scoring, this challenge has 18 rounds (holes) of 1 minute ON (row) and 1 minute OFF (rest). At each round, you get points based on the distance you completed compared to the list below: Female Distances (-3) Albatross ≥310m (-2) Eagle ≥295m (-1) Birdie ≥280m ( 0) Par ≥265m (+1) Bogey ≥250m (+2) Double Bogey ≥235m (+3) Tripe Bogey ≥0m Male Distances (-3) Albatross ≥350m (-2) Eagle ≥335m (-1) Birdie ≥320m ( 0) Par ≥300m (+1) Bogey ≥280m (+2) Double Bogey ≥260m (+3) Tripe Bogey ≥0m After 18 rounds, all the points are summed up. The fewer points, the better.

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