RA 30/30-16
Rise up through some stroke rates every 5 minutes in this fitness building 30 minute row
🚣BOTTOM intensity Workout🚣♀️
Row at 18/20/22/18/20/22spm - changing every 5 minutes
➔Pace Guide = 18spm at 2K+20-22 - Increase 2 secs with rate increases
➔Effort = 5-10/10
➔Speech = Comfortable
*** The rate changes are just here to keep it interesting, but also so you can develop that feel for how just a slight increase in drive speed results in the increase in stroke rate and pace ***
🚥You can use Ergzone to programme your Concept 2 PM5 monitor, look for RA 30/30-16 under the RowAlong track which I've split the 30 minutes into 5 minute intervals. I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, and tagged with the 30/30 label - just bookmark them for future use) 🚥
For the past few years, the Movember charity has asked men to grow a moustache in support of their work, and raise money. Although I'm not doing the facial hair thing, I have set up a Just Giving page if anyone wants to donate to them while rowing these sessions: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rowalong-rowvember21
Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: