RA82 - 30 mins - 10KW8S2
10KW8S2 - https://youtu.be/_MAjJtzovCs Splitting a 30 minute row into 3 minute chunks really makes time fly in this workout. 🚣Alternate 18spm and 20spm every 3 minutes 🚣‍♀️ ➔Pace Guide = 18spm at 2K+20 then 20spm at 2K+18 (see below for info about using your 2K to pace rows) ➔Effort = 5/10 - maybe 6 ➔Speech = Comfortable ❗ Just keep this one low and slow. Whether you're using this as a regnerative row after a tough session, or before another one - or whether you're just keeping moving on a taper week (for instance, before a 10K time trial) this should be kept to pace to give you time to work on your stroke and build your core fitness up. ❗ *** If you want individual split data, or make this a rankable 30 minute workout, duplicate this workout, remove the warm up and cooldown, then set the splits to 3 minutes. Add in the stroke rate and pace targets too if you wish. ***

Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: