RA 21 - 30mins rate sawtooth W3S5
https://youtu.be/cPbo8DqEYgc Row for 30 minutes, changing pace and stroke rate every 2 minutes to keep things interesting and build your skills and fitness with this Bottom Tier intensity row. 🚣 30 minutes - change 18/20/22/20/18/20/22.... every 2 minutes 🚣‍♀️ ➔Pace Guide = 2K+20 / 2K+18 / 2K+18 ➔Effort = 5-6/10 ➔Speech = Comfortable ❗ Splitting this row into 2 minute segments not only makes the 30 minutes go faster, but the skills that it'll build, being able to adjust your stroke rate and pace with it will make you a better rower, and get your fitness boosted. ❗ Programming your monitor is simple this time. Set it to a 30 minute row with 2 minute splits (if you want to see how you got on through each rate change). You will find this as RA21 on the Ergzone app, under the RA track. As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.

Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: