W.O.W. [Short] - 12/2
12/2/23 BIKE ERG - 1600s This week's [Short] session is a sprint workout with a difference. 800m + 400m + 400m | 2min Recovery x 6 1600m Repeats Split into 3 parts, followed by a short recovery - 6 Times [9.6KM Workout] First 800m @ Tempo, think 7/10, breathing heavily but easily sustainable [The finish line is round the corner] Second 400m @ Threshold, think 8/10, your upper body is still relaxed but your working really hard now [You're positioning for the final sprint] Final 400m @ Sprint, 10/10 [Stand up and let it go, final sprint!] Adjust the Damper Lever just before the next interval begins. This ensures your resistance keeps up with the cadence increase as your effort goes up! Each interval leads straight into the next to create one 1600m interval power ramp. The recovery comes at the end of each 1600m interval. There won't be any complete rest today, instead we'll keep pedaling as we recover, just drop the lever down and soft pedal for 2 minutes. Warm up thoroughly before this session, you can find a Bike Erg Warm Up in The Engine Room library.

Check this ERG ENGINE workout on the ErgZone app: