W.O.W. [Short] - 30/4
30/4/23 BIKE ERG 1KM Effort 2min Recovery Spin 2KM Effort 2min Recovery Spin 4KM Effort 2min Recovery Spin 2KM Effort 2min Recovery Spin 1KM Effort Aim for an RPE of 8/10 for the first, second and third interval. Expecting Splits to increase (get slower) as the distance increases. Drop the hammer on the second 2KM and 1KM intervals, aiming to beat your time on the previous interval of the same distance. The 2min Recovery Spins should be almost full recovery, drop the damper level to 1 and soft pedal to keep the legs moving. Warm up thoroughly before this session, you can find a Bike, Ski or Row Erg Warm Up in The Engine Room library.

Check this ERG ENGINE workout on the ErgZone app: