W.O.W. [Short] - 29/1
29/1/23 ROW ERG - Power Starts This week's [Short] session is all about POWER! From the start we're focusing on SPI, a powerful leg drive at low rate, before gradually building stroke rate. Then we hit the ground running, short bursts of all out effort with a 3:1 recovery ratio. Warm up thoroughly before this session, you can find a Row Erg Warm Up in The Engine Room library. Grip it & Rip it! 800m Inreasing Rate (every 200m) 18/20/22/24 0:15s @ Any Rate, Max Power | 0:45s Rest x 6 2min Rest 0:15s @ Any Rate, Max Power | 0:45s Rest x 6

Check this ERG ENGINE workout on the ErgZone app: