RA24 - 5x5mins W4S2
https://youtu.be/b8kK5kNiHcE Develop your ability to hold your speed with this hard tempo row. This places as a MID tier workout on the Training Intensity Pyramid 🚣 5 x 5 minutes at 28 strokes per minute with 3 minute rests between 🚣‍♀️ ➔Pace Guide = 2K+5 (see below for 2K training pace info) ➔Effort = 7-8/10 ➔Speech = Tough ❗ The point of this workout is to get you to a point where you need to hold on and push to get to the end of each interval, but it won't be so tough that you don't think you can finish. By the end of Intervals 4 and 5 you'll be stretching your ability to keep the pace, but you'll still be able to. ❗ It WON'T feel easy. But at the same time, it shouldn't feel like a Top Tier training intensity workout until the last 1 or 2 minutes of the last interval. And if you get towards the end of the 4th and 5th interval and don't think you're working hard enough - feel free to increase the pace closer to 2K+2. Programming the monitor: 1) This entire workout including warmup and cooldown is available as RA 24 on the RowAlong track of the Ergzone app. You'll still need to watch this video on YouTube - but Ergzone will pre-program your Concept 2 PM5. 2) Program the monitor to 5 minute intervals with 3 minutes rest for the main session. (This may lead to a slight sync issue due to the PM5 monitor delay starting intervals) 3) If you're not worried about seeing you interval metrics, and want to make sure to stay in sync with me, set you monitor to 37:05 and just start and stop when I start and stop. As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.

Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: