S02E02 - Upside Down
Imagine a rate pyramid; flip it upside down.
On this new challenge, we start at the highest rate, climb it down, and climb back up to finish.
All that while keeping a consistent SPI.
And there is more; you must do it as quickly as possible.
How fast can you be while being consistent?
Here are the details:
• Thirteen (13) continuous minutes (no rest).
• Every split is one minute long (1:00).
• Rate changes every minute, following this pyramid sequence: 50-48-46-44-42-40-38-40-42-44-46-48-50
• You choose the wattage/pace for the initial split (first minute).
• Your goal: replicate the same SPI (Stroke Power Index) for the subsequent 12 minutes.
• Your second goal: do it as fast as you can.
Score 1: Match SPI of the 1st split
Earn 1 point for each split you repeat the same SPI as the first minute (at the prescribed rate).
Score 2: Overall Pace
• You must finish the 1st split at 50 SPM. Failing to do so will invalidate the whole workout.
• This challenge is not rate-capped. Each minute must be completed at the designated rate. Deviating above or below will invalidate that split for the Score 1.
TIP: While you may choose to monitor any metric during the challenge, we recommend keeping a close eye on stroke count, watts, and SPI.
To help you with targets, once you complete a split, the ErgZone app will calculate and display the required wattage for the next split. To see Target Watts, toggle the 500m column twice.
Note: depending on your SPI, going one or two watts above the calculated wattage by ErgZone might result in the correct SPI.
Check this ErgZone Challenges workout on the ErgZone app: