EM Pirate Booty Challenge
If you are the proud recipient of a 2023 Ergon Metron Series Cup race cap, you are eligible to compete in this workout and score more FFS gear! That's right. This is unclaimed pirate booty. Some of our fellow Ergon Metron racers fell short of completing this year's series and did not earn a cap. We also have a box of brand-new FFS 2021 tees that never saw the light of day. This is an opportunity to claim these spoils! We want this awesome gear to see the light of day, not be adrift at sea on an abandoned ship. A cap and a tee for the first to complete this workout. Why only the first? We have just a limited number of hats and tees to award. Only registered participants have a shot at the gear. Register at Fools Fest Sprints: https://www.foolsfestsprints.com/race-shop/ergon-metron-piratebootychallenge.

Check this Erg Rats workout on the ErgZone app: