RA 30/30-6
https://youtu.be/vrvAXwi8v1k Change up a 20spm row by dropping to a VERY low stroke rate every 5:30 🚣Bottom Intensity Row 🚣‍♀️ ➔Pace Guide = 2K+18 for the 20spm - don't worry about the 12spm ➔Effort = 5/10 ➔Speech = Comfortable *** The point of the 12spm is just to slow the stroke right down - which will reveal whether you have a good 'flow' to your stroke, especially the recovery phase. If you're stuttery and jerky without the fluid motion, you'll find it hard to flow.*** The warm up and cool down are seperate sessions on this RA track. I suggest bookmarking them to be able to load them up quickly.

Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: