RA19 - 32mins (W3S3)
https://youtu.be/NudQz66qgH4 Build your base fitness and work on your technique in this 32 minute, bottom training tier rowing workout (this is the CAT VERSION of this workout *see below) 🚣 32 minutes at 20spm 🚣‍♀️ ➔Pace Guide = 2K+18-20 ➔Effort = 5-6/10 ➔Speech = Comfortable ❗ First things first - I told Holly, my almost 9 year old that if I get a certain number of views, she can get my old Apple Watch. So, in a bid to make this happen, she hijacked this row. And asked for a screen with cat pictures all the way through. I said it would only be fair to have an identical video wtih Dog pictures for people who don't like cats. And that's why there are two versions of this row.❗ As for the row itself, it's a simple 32 minute row at 20spm. But with a real focus on technique. I spend the first 8 minutes describing the technique - and then the rest of the row really getting you to focus on the body positions. Sometimes even holding the catch or the finish position for a couple of seconds to really help you analyse what you're doing. It's certainly at the BOTTOM of the bottom tier training pyramid. But if you're following the 2K redux plan, W3S2 was tough, and W3S4 will be tough, so this row let's you recover and refocus, ready for the tough TOP tier row to come. To program your monitor, just set it to 32 minutes. Or go to the ErgZone app to pre-program the entire workout, including warm up and cool down (Look for RA 19). 00:00 Intro 03:32 Warmup 07:32 Stretch 09:50 Main Session 41:50 Drink 45:57 Cool Down. As always, follow me for stroke rate. And I'll keep you company for the row with training tips, technique tips, and my usual general waffle.

Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: