12 Rows - Day 6
6 Even Splits: https://youtu.be/Fh0VHEVGq0s 12 Rows of Christmas: 6 Even Splits https://youtu.be/Fh0VHEVGq0s A simple 30 minute row holding stroke rate and pace throughout. But can you keep all the splits the same? 🚣A BOTTOM INTENSITY WORKOUT on the Intensity Pyramid🚣‍♀️ ➔Pace Guide: 2K+18 at 20 Strokes Per Minute (see below for 2K pace info) ➔Effort = 5-6/10 ➔Speech = Comfortable ❗ If your monitor lets you set splits (chunks of time) for this row, set them to 5 minutes. Your aim is to try to get all splis identical for this row. I failed. No two of mine were the same! (See the YouTube Community tab if you want to see the actual results).❗ This is just about consistency. And the slower pace / lower stroke rate allows you the chance to work on technique and aim for that consistency. 🚥 I've not programmed in the Warmup and Cooldown however, so you'll need to add them in yourself (I have some on the track, with the label "Bookmark These" so you can just bookmark them for future use) 🚥

Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: