RA5K Plan W2S2 - 3x13 mins
🚣 Week 2 Session 2 is 3 x 13minutes with 90 second rests 🚣♀️ https://youtu.be/6UE578KLzS8
BOTTOM Tier Workout
For full information about the RowAlong 5K Plan. go to:
18spm then 20spm then 18spm
Pace Guide = 2K+20-22 / 18-20 / 20-22
Effort Guide = 5 to 6
Speech = Comfortable
❗ This is just an normal, meat and potatoes bottom tier row. The most remarkable thing about this row is the amount of time I talk for at the end wrap up! ❗
Frustratingly, the screen capture software I use to capture the ErgZone data glitched on me - so it's back to the usual countdown for this session, sorry.
Check this RowAlong workout on the ErgZone app: